THIRTY new homes are to be built across open fields at Kendal Parks, starting in the New Year.

Russell Armer Ltd won planning permission from South Lakeland District Council but with 24 conditions attached.

The development involves seven two-bed, 12 three-bed and 11 four-bed homes going across ‘three tiers’ of a steeply sloped 1.84 hectare site between the Oxenholme to Windermere railway line and nearby Teal Beck, Swallow Close and Bluebell Close.

The area has had outline planning permission for housing since 2015 but for a larger area than the scheme, planning officers said.

The fields have been used by children and dog walkers with a number of objections lodged by residents about overlooking, increased traffic, loss of green fields, and harm to wildlife, among others. However, Cumbria County Council, as the local highways authority, raised no objections.

A new pedestrian access to Bluebell Wood is to be created along with a new bridge over Natland Mill Beck.

Chris Garner, the agent for the applicants, told planners: “We have made significant changes to the scheme and there will be 18 dwellings which will be fully accessible and adaptable.” Of the proximity to existing houses, he said: “We have made every effort to ensure that there is a satisfactory relationship.”

At a meeting of the planning committee, no residents spoke to raise any objections. However, a committee report noted that since the plans were first lodged in November 2018, South Lakeland District Council had received 32 letters from 19 different addresses.

Cllr Kevin Lancaster, a member of the committee, proposed that the scheme be given the go-ahead, inline with the officer’s recommendation to approve.

Cllr Brian Cooper said: “All this land was always earmarked for building when Kendal Parks was built.”

The plans were unanimously agreed by the 13-member planning committee.