The BBC’s mantra is to educate, inform, and entertain. And, in fairness, The One Billion Dollar Chicken Shop achieved all three, allowing as it did unfettered access to the inner working of KFC.

Does that sound a little strange/dull/gruesome for prime-time BBC1? Well it wasn’t. The company’s history and modern machinations were fascinating, and the staff were an absolute laugh riot. But as good as the finished product was (and the people of Twitter LOVED it), it still seems like a bit of a curveball for the national broadcaster.

Here are some theories as to why the Beeb thought the show had a clucking good chance at success.

1. Because THIS happened at a BBC development meeting.

2. Because it’s the holy grail of marketing deals.

Although we’re unsure what the Beeb are getting from it… Free fried chicken perhaps?

3. It’s what the masses want!

4. Because KFC employees deserve to be recognised.

5. So we can shame the KFC haters out there.

6. So we can reflect on our own achievements.

7. Because we must face – as a society – that not everyone loves KFC.

And some people REALLY don’t like KFC…

8. Because we should all face up to where our food comes from.

9. Because of wisdom like this.

10. And state-the-obvious quotes like this.

11. Because things like this happened.

12. Because there were revelations like this (but we didn’t quite believe them).

13. And revelations like this – which made us feel a little bit better about our mega-buckets.

14. Because of these kinds of head-scratchers.

15. To remind everyone KFC just hasn’t expanded far enough yet.

16. In order to sow disorder and confusion among the general populace.

17. Because we can really relate to this show.

18. To make people face reality head on.

19. To provide a platform for question the branding.

20. And, most importantly, so we can all have a window on KFC’s annual team awards.

But whatever the reason for bringing this televisual taster into being, the Beeb seem dedicated to keeping it going. We’re pretty sure we weren’t the only ones surprised by the line: “Next week on The Billion Dollar Chicken Shop…”